During the Lenten season, most of us have the opportunity to enjoy wonderful meals with friends and family. There are some who don't have this same choice. For many years, the Deacons have provided baskets of food to needy families in our church and community to help for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year we will be partnering with the Cub Scouts to provide 7 families with Easter Baskets of Blessings. We do not only supply food for Easter, but include food for everyday needs as well and a full Easter egg hunt kit for the families with children. We also became aware several years g o some people aren't able to cook a turkey or a ham, so we give gift certificates, appropriate for the size of the family,
so that they can make an individual choice about what
fulfills their needs. We let them choose a turkey or ham, as well as fresh fruits, vegetables, bread and milk.
Here's how it works. Our congregation has always been generous in their giving of food and gift certificates, and we are asking you to continue this tradition. Please bring your donations to the Narthex where we will have a display for the "Baskets of Blessings" during the end of March and beginning of April Prior to Easter on Friday, April 6th the Cub Scouts and Deacons will work together to assemble the baskets. We generally try to use something like laundry baskets or heavy duty boxes so they are sturdy enough to carry canned and boxed foods. Only one or two people are made a ware of the people to whom the baskets will be delivered so that there is no concern about too many people having the information. Baskets will be delivered Saturday, April 7th just in time for Easter.
Suggested Donations for "Easter Baskets of Blessings"
• Non Perishable Foods
• Boxed Potatoes
•Spaghetti Sauce
• Peanut Butter
•Canned Soup and St(
•Canned Vegetables
•Canned Fruit
•Canned Yams
• Marsh mallows
• Boxed Jell-0
·Baking Mixes- Bisquick, cakes, cookies, brownies, etc.
•Groce1y Store Gift Certificates
• Plastic Easter Eggs
•Candy for stuffing eggs
•Small trinkets for stuffing eggs
Having participated in delivering baskets in the past, I
can tell you that it is a joy to see the smiles and open arms of the recipients. It is amazing the amount of joy and
true thanksgiving that comes from helping someone.
Although most of the recipients are not able to come forward to thank you directly, please know that your donations mean so much to so many. Thank you for your continued support.
By His Grace and in His Love,
Dim Buettner
Deacon Moderator
All donations need to be at the
church no later than April 1st.
Thank you for your wonderful help!!!
no later than April 1st.