

Friday, March 30, 2012

April edition Tower Times

The Tower Times now available. It should be in your email box. If you need a copy, please contact the church by calling (626) 358-3297 or by email Church@fpcmonrovia.org to be add on our email list.

God Bless, 

Palm Sunday

Donations for "Easter Baskets of Blessings": http://t.co/2AVQ90Xo

Easter Lilies: Envelopes are in the bulletin. $8 Min. http://t.co/WQ9TJe1m

Good Friday Service Concert

G O O D  F R I D A Y  S E R V I C E
A p r i l  6 t h , 2 0 1 2  a t  7 : 3 0 p m

First Presbyterian Church of
Monrovia Concert Choir presents
John Rutter’s “REQUIEM”
A service of music and reflection
with orchestra
For more information, contact
Dr. Peter Green, Music Director,
(626) 358-3297, ext. 205 or
Freewill offering – childcare

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Caring for Clifton at a Restaurant Night TONIGHT!!!!

Another way to help out Clifton and then you do  not have to cook TONIGHT!!  Print up the flyer and bring it in and a portion of your bill will go to support Clifton Middle school.  Enjoy!!

Connections Minsitry
First Presbyterian Church Monrovia
101 E. Foothill Blvd.
Monrovia, CA  91016

Please join us at Chili's for Grub with the Cubs tonight!

Wednesday, March 28th
From 11am to 11pm

Chili's Monrovia
630 W Huntington
Monrovia, CA

Please present the attached flyer when you order.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tecate, Mexico mission trip to Rancho San Juan Bosco Orphanage

On the connections table is the sign up for the Tecate, Mexico mission trip to Rancho San Juan Bosco Orphanage.  If you are interested, please sign up.  The dates are Saturday, April 28 through Sunday, April 29.  The cost is $40 per person.  We will be painting their dining room and a bathroom.  We will also be taking up an offering in church so if you are unable to go, but would like to support the Orphanage, please do so.

Clifton Middle School during our Rainbow of Blessings Thank you

Thank you for showing your love and care for Clifton Middle School during our Rainbow of Blessings drive this past month.  All the raindrops have been taken so that means we are blessing these teachers!!  Please remember to bring in your items with your encouragement note attached to the box in the Narthex at church.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Easter Lilies

Envelopes are in the bulletin. $8 Min. 
 Dead line is April 1st, 2012

Donations for "Easter Baskets of Blessings"

During  the Lenten season, most  of us have the opportunity to enjoy wonderful meals with friends and family. There are some who don't have this same choice. For many years, the Deacons have provided baskets of food to needy families in our church and community to help for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year we will be partnering with the Cub Scouts to provide 7 families with Easter Baskets of Blessings. We do not only supply food for Easter, but include food for everyday needs as well and a full Easter egg hunt kit for the families with children.  We also became aware several years g o some people aren't able to cook a turkey or a ham, so we give gift certificates, appropriate for the size of  the family,
so that they can make an individual choice about what
fulfills their needs. We let them choose a turkey or ham, as well as fresh fruits, vegetables, bread and milk.

Here's how it works. Our congregation has always been generous in their giving of food and gift certificates, and we are asking you to continue this tradition. Please bring your donations  to the  Narthex where we will have a display for the "Baskets of Blessings" during the end of March and beginning of April  Prior to Easter on Friday, April 6th the Cub Scouts and Deacons will work together to assemble the baskets.    We  generally try to  use something like laundry baskets or heavy duty  boxes so they are sturdy enough to carry canned and boxed foods. Only one or two people are made a ware of the people to whom the baskets will be delivered so that there is no concern about too many people having the information. Baskets will be delivered Saturday, April 7th just in time for Easter.
Suggested  Donations for "Easter Baskets of Blessings"

Non Perishable Foods
Boxed Potatoes

•Spaghetti Sauce

Peanut Butter

•Canned Soup and St(


•Canned Vegetables
•Canned Fruit
•Canned Yams

Marsh mallows
Boxed Jell-0
·Baking  Mixes- Bisquick, cakes, cookies, brownies, etc.
•Groce1y Store Gift Certificates

Plastic Easter Eggs
•Candy for stuffing eggs

Small trinkets for stuffing eggs

Having participated  in delivering baskets  in  the  past, I  
can tell you that it is a joy to see the smiles and open arms of the recipients. It is amazing the amount of joy and
true thanksgiving that comes from helping someone.

Although most of the  recipients are not able to come forward to thank  you directly, please know that  your donations mean so much to so many. Thank you for your continued support.

By His Grace and in His Love,
Dim Buettner
Deacon Moderator
All donations need to be at the
church no later than April 1st.

Thank you for your wonderful help!!!

no later than April 1st.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

One Great Hour of Sharing

On April 1st we will be collecting for One Great Hour Of Sharing.
More info: http://gamc.pcusa.org/ministries/specialofferings/one-great-hour-sharing-offering/

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Informational Meeting Rancho San Juan Bosco Orphanage Trip

 We will be having a informational meeting about the trip to Rancho San Juan Bosco Orphanage on Sunday, March 18 after church in the Fireside Room.  Please come if you are interested in coming on the trip which is scheduled for April 27 -29, 2012.  

Connection team
First Presbyterian Church Monrovia
101 E. Foothill Blvd.
Monrovia, CA  91016

Rainbow of Blessings update

Dear Church Family…

What a great family we have indeed!!   The rainbow of blessings was full and now there are only 13 raindrops left holding wishes from the teachers at Clifton Middle School.  We are supporting Clifton Middle school this year and hope to continue our support of them in the coming years.  Please take time to stop by the rainbow and see how you can help one of the teachers at Clifton Middle School.  If you are unable to go shopping for a teacher, you can always donate money towards one of the teachers if you would like too.

Connection team
First Presbyterian Church Monrovia
101 E. Foothill Blvd.
Monrovia, CA  91016