

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Calling for VBS Volunteers 2013 #FPCM

Rancho San Juan Bosco Trip April Sat. 20 to Sun. 21 #FPCM

We would like everyone in our congregation to take part in this trip in some way.  Here are several ways you can help:
  • Pray! For the people going and the staff and children of the Orphanage.
  • Provide food by either filling up a tray with home-made cookies, breads, or a main dish that is freezable such as a pasta dish.
  • Come on the trip!  Please make sure that you have a passport.
  • Give money so that we can take food supplies down with us.

Also, they are in need of essentials such as:
Cereals, cooking oil, mayonnaise, ketchup, canned fruit, sugar, Nesquick for hot drinks, Powdered cold drinks like Lemonade, minced garlic, pancake flour, jello, spaghetti pasta and sauce, saltine crackers and cinnamon.

Family Potluck and Ice Cream Social 4/28/13 #FPCM

April Tower Times #FPCM

The Tower Times now is available. It should be in your email box. If you need a copy, please contact the church by calling (626) 358-3297 or by email Church@fpcmonrovia.org to be add on our email list.

If you do no want to receive the e-mailed version, please let us know.

God Bless,