

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

FPCM Baskets of Blessings Packing dates Nov.17 and Dec.15th, 2013

Its that time of year again when our Congregation can share in the gifts that God has blessed us with.

For many years, the Deacons have provided baskets of food to needy families in our church and community to help. We do not only supply food for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but include food for every day needs.

We also became aware several years ago that some people arent able to cook a turkey or a ham, so we give gift certificates, appropriate for the size of the family, so that they can
make an individual choice of what fulfills their needs.

Our congregation has always been generous in their giving of food and gift certificates, and we are asking you to continue this tradition. Please bring your donations to the Narthex where we will have a display for the “Baskets of Blessings” during the months of October, November and part of December.

Prior to Thanksgiving, on Sunday, November
17 and prior to Christmas on Sunday,
December 15, the Deacons will work together
to assemble the baskets. Only one or two
people are made aware of the people to
whom the baskets will be delivered to, so that
there is no concern about too many people
having the information. Baskets will be
delivered between Sunday and Tuesday

Although most of the recipients are not able to come forward to thank you directly, please know that your donations mean so much to so many. Thank you for your continued support.

By His Grace and in His Love, Steve Eckstrom and April Borrow Deacon Co-Moderators

List of Donations:



Spaghetti Sauce

Peanut Butter



Caned Soup and Stews


Canned Vegetables

Cranberry Sauce

Canned Fruit

Boxed Mashed Potatoes

Canned Yams


Boxed Jell-O

Baking Mixes (Bisquick, cakes, cookies, brownies, etc.)

Grocery Store Gift Cards

Retail Store Gift Cards (for Christmas)

Dates to Remember:

Thanksgiving Packing: Sunday, November 17th

Christmas Packing: Sunday, December 15th

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